Gender Inequality In Canada

Words: 1373
Pages: 6

In Canada, women suffer an overrepresentation in non-standard work and a pervasive precariousness that stems from the patriarchal trappings of neoliberal capitalism, globalization/free-trade agreements, anti-union animus, and changing economic policy and political structure. Historically-based norms and stereotypes encourage the undervaluation of women’s paid and unpaid work, contributing to prevailing inequity. The harmful results are numerous, and include cyclical poverty, social exclusion, health risks, and an inability to escape the trap. The persisting gender wage gap, gendered work, segregation, segmentation, feminization of work, discrimination, and gendered labour law create an environment of oppression and disempowerment
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The purpose of this paper is to identify, and evaluate the plausibility of, some possible solutions to these ongoing issues through the revaluing of “women’s work”, counteraction on discrimination, and instating legal rights/social supports for the improvement of paid and unpaid work (and subsequently living standards/lives) of women going …show more content…
This report was progressive for the time, and included numerous recommendations for equality (ILO Convention 100 – to paraphrase, Equal Remuneration for Work of Equal Value - was ratified by Canada after this report urged it) (p. 67), sanctioned gender anti-discrimination legislation/practice, and recognized that unpaid work had unaccounted-for value (p. 19) (Royal Commission). However, the report makes it clear that rights could only be given to women on the job, and “only a radical change in the attitudes of society can give them equal opportunities in employment and promotion” (p. 90). Equality still needed to expand beyond the gendered segregation of work, and beyond the notion of paid