The show had an unhappy cast mostly due to a conflict between Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner (Greenberger 34). Another problem was Roddenberry was gone during most of this season. Also many people stopped watching because of a switch in the time in the time schedule (Greenberger 50). The production of Star Trek ended finished on January 9, 1969 (Greenberger 50).
However the series was not the end of Star Trek. They were going to be another series Star Trek: Phase II, however it turned into Star Trek The Motion Picture (Greenberger 101). On August 10 1976, it was announced that The Motion Picture was going to come on the screen (Greenberger 93). Many things were changed for the show including costumes, which were changed to make find important people easier (Greenberger 103). The movie was about finding Kirk, who was missing for some time (Greenberger 93). Many said the movies was not great, but it did win some awards, which was enough for a sequel (Greenberger