Genesis Vs Ovid Research Paper

Words: 269
Pages: 2

The accounts of the flood in Ovid's account and Genesis while having similarities also hold many differences. For example, the flood story in Metamorphoses gives no information as to the how long the flood lasts. However, in Genesis, there is a specific length of time the flood lasts. Namely, the rain lasts for "forty days and forty nights" (Gen. 7:12). Then the rain stops and, "the water prevails upon the earth for one hundred and fifty days" (Gen. 7:24). At the end of the tenth month, the mountain tops become visible (Gen. 8:5). Come one year, one month, and twenty-seven days, everyone saved leaves the ark (Gen. 8:13-18). Another difference is how detailed it is Ovid's story when humanity is chosen to be destroyed,

Now I must destroy