Relative Dating: the process of placing geological events in their proper chronological order with no regard to when the events took place in number of years ago. Absolute Dating: Assigning an age in years before the present to geological events; absolute dates are determined by radioactive decay dating techniques.
Metamorphism affects the potential for accurate radiometric dating.
The principle of uniformitarianism is a principle holding that we can interpret past events by understanding present day processes, based on the idea that natural processes have always operated as they do now.
You would have to determine how man half-lives of a radioactive parent element have elapsed since the sample originally crystalized. A half-life is the time it takes for one-half of the radioactive parent element to decay to a new, more stable daughter element
The different number of isotopes can yield different ages.
We have tree ring dating… The age of a tree can be determined by counting the growth rings in the lower part of the trunk. The applicability of tree-ring dating is somewhat limited because it can be used only where continuous tree records are found. Kelvin knew from deep mines in Europe that Earth’s Temperature increases with depth, and he reasoned that earth is losing heat from its interior. After establishing that Earth was very old and that present-day processes operating over long periods of time account for geologic features,