George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four Big Brother

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Pages: 3

Don’t you ever get that feeling you’re being watch. Well you are! Thanks to our modern technology you can have everything you watch, search, and where you have been is monitored. In our day and time about everything you do can, and is being watched by our government. Technology in our present day parallels to that of Orwell’s vision because the government can monitor everything we do, they can track us with our devices, and the government are able to tap any electronics we have. Modern technology is similar to that of Nineteen-Eighty Four and how the government may or may not be invaded our privacy.
What Nineteen-Eighty Four says throughout the whole book is that “Big Brother” has these things called telescreens that shoot nothing but propaganda
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The reason why I mention this is because in our own society we have all of these forms of technology It’s almost scary that George Orwell saw these type of devices existing and being used almost the same as he predicted in his book. Even the technology isn’t as open on how they can spy on us like they did in the book Nineteen-Eighty Four. They don’t keep it as open but “Every year, private companies spend millions of dollars developing new services that track, store and share the words, movements and even the thoughts of their customers,” (Maass & Rajagopalan pg, 66)
Our whole society is a surveillance society, and there isn’t anything we can do about it now. The reason why is because “President Obama says he’s not Big Brother” (Alan Greenblatt pg, 73) and as you can now see that isn’t quite true from what our government does to us. In the article “Our Surveillance Society: What Orwell And Kafka Might Say” they explain how the government is in every network there is and has access to everything even though it doesn’t seem like they do. The reason why they do but it doesn’t seem like they do is because they don’t openly talk about