Geronomus Mothers Against Drunk Driver

Words: 942
Pages: 4

Kira johnson
Eng- 111- 11:00
Ms Booms
9 , November , 2016
Political columnist Murray Mandryk and Heather Geronomus both avid activist for taking a stance against drunk driving. Believe the solution to drunk driving is to change the penalties. By changing the penalties, they hope to achieve fewer traffic accidents. Put a stop to the booming death rate caused by driving under the influence, and to overall make Americans feel safer by bringing this cause to light.

Heather Geronomus is a young leader and activist for MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) a Committee devoted to mothers or induvial who lost love ones to drunk driving committed ending drunk driving. “The national highway safety administrations recently announced that drunken
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She states this is why she has dedicated her life’s commitments to MADD on “creating a future of no more victims” this information determined makes the article seem bias in the case of stronger drunk driving penalties. The author is motivated by the death of her father. Knowledge and experience seems to be clear in this article because of her father’s death and serving as a MADD board member.
The text itself was well written the main topics and points are organized and easy to comprehend. In the beginning of the article GERONEMUS gives a statistic where “10265 people die every 51 minutes from drunk driving” ( Heather , GERONEMUS) . The national highway safety administrations are credited for information so the use of statistics was creditable and easy to comprehend. The overall text and vocabulary gathered from this text is aimed at the everyday average American. The outlining and fluency of this article is set u clear and organized with the prospect of informing the public about the need for stronger drunk driving
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Mandryk known columnist for Regina leader Post. Says the solution in this article to counter drunk driving is to combat this issue with tougher penalties that include vehicle seizures, ignition locks and absolutely zero tolerance for any person under the drinking age of twenty-one. To also add to the new legislature roundup, the Saskatchewan’s government has also permitted an increase in public police recourses such as national stop and checks and a new automatic license alert system .To alert officers of vehicles that are prohibited from driving the streets.

In this article mandryk explains the sheriffs who is enforcing the dramatic but effective methods of driving drunk has suffered a loss of his twenty-five-year-old daughter that was fatally killed by a drunk driver in 2014. In similarities both articles have lost someone close to the crime. Throughout this article Mandryk uses a system of short paragraphs. paragraphs nine, ten, eleven , twelve describes the Saskatchewan government insurance SGI plan to handle the drunk driving movement that commenced in