Get Better Chapter Summary

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Pages: 2

The Book “GET BETTER” by Todd Davis. 15 proven practices to build effective relationships at work. Kathy finds this book a practical guide for anyone looking to create a competitive advantage in any size and type of organization by building effective relationships. In Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships, FranklinCovey’s Chief People Officer Todd Davis explains that an organization’s greatest asset isn’t its people; rather, it’s the relationships between its people that are the greatest predictor of personal effectiveness. In the end, employees’ ability to build and sustain great relationships is an organization’s ultimate competitive advantage.
This book is ideal for professional people at all levels of business,
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Get Better draws on real-world stories in an approachable, engaging style—and Davis’s thirty-year experience observing, leading, and coaching others brings those relatable experiences to life. He identifies fifteen proven practices that influential leaders at any level of an organization use to take ownership of their work, improve the quality of interactions with others, and master the skills of effective relationships.
Kris adds that this book isn’t only about the leadership, it’s about improving yourself.


Robin wants to know our approval process. When someone travels for the day and there were no expenses then the person traveling doesn’t get reimbursed.
Robin says there is a record of the reimbursement.
Pam says she always puts on a calendar when someone in her unit travels. She adds all of their travel or any other activities that were done throughout the year in their annual review.

Robin says we are ok with the training approval. Some of our employees get initial safety training.
Pam says she would consider all those trainings such as active shooter, fire, earth quake drills.