Gilded Age Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Before the Gilded Age happened (1870’s-1890’s) our country was going through what is known as the Reconstruction era that lasted from 1865 and 1877 which was right after the Civil War where the United States constitution was founded, and the citizens were protected by the Bill of Rights. Looking for American identity was something significant for the United States, which was a part of the beginning of the Gilded Age. The Gilded age was a big time for change in the United States. From the Westward expansion that was a very significant push towards the West coast of North America which began in the 1810’s, what led to it was the belief in manifest destiny, as well as the lookout for a better future and job opportunities, the pioneers traveled …show more content…
Europe. The. When all this came out people needed jobs, and the country was on a constant and rapid change which came to industrialization, this increased the production and the efficiency of goods. Those changes were the ones that marked a before and after for the …show more content…
Another phenomenon that took place was the Muckraking journalism, it influenced the passage of key legislation that strengthened protections for workers and consumers by exposing the corruption during this era. The progressive president, Theodore Roosevelt, who revived the Sherman anti-twist, distinguished between good trusts and bad trusts and also came up with the Square Deal that stated new laws that would protect consumer health and prevent false advertising, three of the acts that came with this deal were, the meat inspection act of 1906, the pure food and drug act of 1906, and conserving the nation’s resources. The second president was Woodrow Wilson, who came with the idea of the “New Freedom” that tamed big business, encouraged greater competition and eliminated special privileges, the deeds that took place were the federal reserve act of 1913, the graduated income tax in 1913 (16th amendment), the department of labor in 1913 and the child labor act. After all these things took place, the period when the United States started to expand and entered into war. At first, what led to the country’s expansion was the Monroe Doctrine that stated the US would protect Western Hampshire by forbidding European powers from colonizing more territories in the Americas. Another key deed that took place was the country’s