Gina Feliciano Research Paper

Words: 395
Pages: 2

Gina Feliciano, a 17-year-old woman, has a feud going on with Keith Mondello. On August 22, 1989, Feliciano’s friends had a run in with Mondello and his crowd which caused an argument to break out between the groups where eventually Feliciano’s group left. Feliciano tells Mondello that she is going to invite her black and Puerto Rican friends to her apartment the following day for her 18th birthday party. Mondello informs Feliciano that blacks do not belong in their neighborhood and that they might get hurt if they show up. On Wednesday night, August 23, 1989, around 7:30 p.m., Mondello began to gather his friends in the schoolyard of Public School 205. There are around 10-12 local guys around 18-24 years old. Mondello reaches out to people