Gladiator Movie Essay

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Pages: 2

There is a portion of the movie Gladiator that is accurate, but there is also a large portion that isn’t. The most accurate part of this story is the general setting; who ruled at the time, what we believed Rome to generally look like at this time, the life of a gladiator, the life of a solider, and the general ideals that Romans held; all aspects that we have learned about throughout this course. In the movie, gladiators are portrayed as slaves and prisoners whose lives have only one purpose, to die in the arena, this is very like how Aldrete describes them in his book. (DLINRC, Aldrete pg. 121-122) The portion of the movie that is inaccurate is the entire plot and main character Maximus. Although Maximus and his story are not true, they are contrived and similar to other stories that have been told. For example, in Monica S. Cyrino’s writing Gladiator and Contemporary American Society mentions comparisons to General Cincinnatus, an early Roman General, Achilles in Homer’s Iliad, Spartacus and Judah Ben-Hur in …show more content…
Like the Romans who hundreds of years ago were entertained by watching the actual violence and action from the arena, we still enjoy watching recreations to this day. Hollywood has only been using these stories throughout the last century, because the actual art of film making has only been prominent throughout the last two centuries. As the medium grew, so did the various ideas used in it. In the particular case of the movie Gladiator, it also offers a story about an underdog which proven by the idiom, “everybody loves the underdog” is something marketing teams know will sell on the big screen. Overall violence is something that has always held a place in our arts because it is part of the human condition, even though it plays a smaller part in today’s society. Art about violence allows the viewer to vicariously experience violence without the