Glenn Branch's Argumentative Analysis

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Pages: 7

For centuries, people have debated the topic of Religion and Science. Many claim that Religion is the truth and we should believe everything that was written because it would lead us to be divine and would guarantee us a spot in Heaven with God. Other believed that Science is the real answers. They believed that us as humans needed to search throughout the Earth and find an logical answer to everything. They believed everything that has happened, happens, and will happen has a logical answer. However, how do explain the unexplainable? How can someone explain Jesus’ healings? Sure, the easiest answer is “It is fake” or “It is metaphorical”. But how can they prove these assumptions?

Charles Darwin came up with theory of Evolution and the
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Christians and believers of the Holy Bible as a literal piece of history; against scientists who do not believe in any God. The battles are fought in the court systems of America. In the article “Creationists and The Grand Canyon” found in the Humanist, Glenn Branch talks about how creationists and scientists are fighting about the creation of the things such as the Grand Canyon. They are arguing about whether or not the flood of Noah had anything to do with the creation of the it. However, the most common topic is evolution against creationism. People on each side are fighting on whether or not evolution should be taught in the school system. But through the First Amendment the scientific side has been more successful.. Because of this separation, the religious groups have been shut down numerous times. For one example, in the article “Twenty Questions: What Have the Courts Said about the Teaching of Evolution and Creationism in Public Schools?” Randy Moore wrote, “the popularity of creationism is irrelevant to the question of whether it should be taught in public schools” (Moore, et al). This is to keep religious beliefs out of schools, but still teachers continue to push their beliefs of atheism backed by science onto their students. Most of the time it is unintentional and they are just teaching what they are told to teach, but most classes do not state that evolution is only a theory, not a fact. Atheism is …show more content…
Their beaks had changed depending on the food available on different islands. They all showed similar origins, yet all have different beaks suited for the food available to them . This does prove that creatures have the ability to adapt to changing environments. There is evidence all around proving adaptation, such as the different colors and bone structures of humans in different environments. Peoples that live in an area with lots of sun have darker skin, their bodies have adapted to the sunlight. But the changes are not drastic only slow progressive steps. Now the creation of a separate species from another is a little farther away from reality. In the chapter “The Concept of Gradual Evolution Is Flawed” from the book Creationism vs. Evolution author Michael J. Behe broke down the flaws using analogies. One important analogy is the evolution of a motorcycle from a bicycle. To say that accidental flaws in the construction of a simple bicycle led to the accidental development of a complex machine like a motorcycle is the same as saying that a simple single celled creature evolved into a human. It is just simply not plausible (Behe). Now if there was a helping hand in the design, an overseeing creator the change makes sense. To believe in evolution is acceptable besides Christian beliefs, the only difference from the Darwinians is that the