Global 1H DBQ

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Global 1H DBQ Essay By Pierre Lacoudre

The Ancient and Classical worlds are two different yet similar times in human history, that both left a large impact on the future development of civilizations. The Ancient world has a large time span from 3000 BC to around 500 CE. During this time, there were tremendous rises and falls of many empires, as well as flourishing of architecture and, most importantly, the arts. In contrast, the Classical world has a time span from 800 BCE to 600 CE. a much smaller span of time, from 800 BCE to 600 CE. It was the period of the ‘golden age’ for the Greeks and Romans, which was renowned for its success in culture, and mainly the idea of democracy and philosophy. It included the famous philosophers Socrates and Plato,
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He also says if you are under Roman sovereignty, you cannot treat your slave with excessive or unreasonable cruelty. This shows how the Classical period had a more forgiving and civil look towards slaves (Doc 7). The text is written in the style of teaching in an educational style, potentially for students. This is because, as it was to teach others of Roman Law, it would help them learn everything they need to know. (POV Doc 7) The Ancient era had a very brutal attitude towards slaves. (Docs 1,5) From the text of the Laws of Manu, it states that slaves have no property rights, his master immediately gets everything. It also mentions that slaves can get whipped with a rope or split bamboo. India’s book of law permitting beatings of slaves also shows the commonality of the brutality of slaves and how they weren’t considered humans. Doc. 1: The text is written in a style of laws and rules. This is principally because it is the Law of Manu, which is the codebook of ancient India. (POV Doc 1) An Egyptian carving from the reign of Thutmose the III depicts slaves being sold at a market. We also see two men holding whips. The first man is whipping the slaves, even though they are only