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Publisher: Routledge
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The International Journal of the
History of Sport
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/fhsp20 The Globalization of Sports, the Rise of
Non-Western Nations, and the Impact on International Sporting Events
Amit Gupta
USAF Air War College , Maxwell AFB, AL, USA
Published online: 10 Sep 2009.
To cite this article: Amit Gupta (2009) The Globalization of Sports, the Rise of Non-Western
Nations, and the Impact on International Sporting Events, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 26:12, 1779-1790, DOI: 10.1080/09523360903172390
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09523360903172390
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The International Journal of the History of Sport
Vol. 26, No. 12, September 2009, 1779–1790
The Globalization of Sports, the Rise of
Non-Western Nations, and the Impact on International Sporting Events
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Amit Gupta
International sports have been traditionally dominated by the Western nations that monopolized the decision-making process of various international sporting bodies, determined the rules of the game and decided on the venues, television schedules and formats that the games would take. This article argues that with the advent of globalization non-Western nations are increasingly asserting themselves in the decision making and economics of international sporting events. Consequently, this will result in reshaping the power structure in international sporting bodies as well as in how the allocation of sporting events is determined.
International Sports: The Domination of the West
The internationalization of sports began in the 1870s and continued until the 1920s with tennis, soccer and rugby creating international administrative institutions – the most prominent achievement being, of course, the establishment of the International
Olympic Committee. [1] Given the unrepresentative nature of the colonial international system it was obvious that the Western nations would dominate the new sporting institutions. As Douglas Booth points out, however, the West’s domination of international sports continued well past the colonial period. As late as
1966, the 37 Caucasian nations in the International Amateur Athletics Federation had
244 votes while the 99 non-Western nations had 195 – thus resting decision-making power in the hands of the former. [2] Because