The term "globalization" has a strong emotional charge. Some see globalization as a beneficial process - which will contribute decisively to global economic development - inevitable and irreversible. Others are hostile to this process, if not fear, believing that it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards and thwarts social progress. The objective of this study, which is an overview of certain aspects of globalization, is to indicate how a country can take advantage of this process, while realistically assessing the potential and risks.
That globalization offers great opportunities to achieve a truly global development advance …show more content…
As in the 1921 Constitution, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established "sole representative of the nation". The second Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, adopted in 1961, introduced a bicameral parliament: the National Assembly with 450 deputies and the Senate of the Republic with 150 members elected at large and 15 elected by the President. These two assemblies are the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The third Constitution of the Republic of Turkey was founded in 1982 by national referendum. It is still relevant today. Since the 1982 Constitution, the sovereignty belongs unconditionally and unreservedly to the nation.
The Constitution states that the Turkish state with its territory and nation, is an indivisible entity. This is a secular rule of law, democratic and social. All individuals are equal before the law regardless of language, race, color, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion or sect, or discrimination based on similar considerations. The 1982 Constitution recognizes the rights and freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of residence and movement, freedom of religion and conscience, freedom of thought and opinion , freedom of expression and propagation of thought, freedom to form an association, freedom of communication, the right to respect for privacy, property rights, the right to organize meetings and events, the right of legal redress, the guarantee of legal justice and the