In order for us to rise to the next step, we need goals. Goals provide the necessary segmentation we need to achieve our dreams one at a time. Without dreams, we have no purpose. So we concentrate on making them a reality by focusing on the short term goals that facilitate their possibilities. Goals enable to us to focus permanently on one subject at a time, making it easier for us to navigate from one goal to the next. I have three goals I want to accomplish in the next ten years.
One goal I have is to obtain my Associate’s Degree. I currently attend Atlanta Metropolitan State College, where I will attain an Associate’s Degree. Here I plan to prepare myself mentally and physically for what is ahead of me. Here I will be able to learn how to prioritize and improve my time management skills. In achieving this, I will be able to equip myself for courses that that will need my absolute sacrifice. This will help me focus on my school work and get good grades, which I will need later on in my course of studies. By getting better grades, I will be able to secure various financial opportunities that will help assist me with my college tuitions and living expenses. After I acquire my Associate Degree, I …show more content…
After completing my studies at Atlanta Metropolitan State College, I will transfer to either Georgia Tech or Florida State Universities, where I will get my Bachelor’s Degree. In order for me to transfer to either of these schools, I will need to have outstanding grades. For this to happen, I plan to study tenaciously. After being accepted to Georgia Institute of Technology, hopefully, I will continue to push myself forward academically and socially. Here I will be able to focus and exert all my energy into my program of study, which is Chemical Engineering. Hopefully, the hard work expressed through my academics will lead me to with the right individuals that will furthermore lead and encourage my