Golden Dawn Research Paper

Words: 1577
Pages: 7

In the 1800's the tradition of the Order of the Golden Dawn a watchtower or guardian is a spirit to one of the four corners, some refer to the four corners as “points or quarters” , which are the cardinal points on a compass North, East, South and West, these are connected with the four main elements being Earth, Air, Fire and water.

These points refer to elements of nature that are honoured by both Pagans and Witches, however these forces of nature will be different depending on the individual, for instance what someone may consider as the Pentacle that represents the four elements may be something else to another, it is all about what it means to you.

The guardians, who are also referred to as watchers are called upon(invoked) during
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When William Westscott decided he would withdraw from the Golden Dawn around 1896 he got Samuel Mathers to take over his place within it.

The circle is usually cast nine feet (although this does usually depend on the rite and your available space to work and whether or not you are in a group), this is carved with symbols, to cast the circle one will move Deosil, when working with Hexes/negative magick one will move Widdershins.
There will be a small opening that will be left to enable people to step inside before closing it to prevent anything unwanted from entering.

The four elements are then focused which are Earth, Air, Water and Fire. The guardians are then invoked to watch over the cardinal points and the four elements, Inviting the Deities to witness and take part in the rite, those who are taking part prepare for the rite through meditating and breathing, drums could also be used. The Athame, wand, chalice and scourge are then placed within the