Golden Toad Research Paper

Words: 465
Pages: 2

The golden toad is and extinct species that people usually pay attention to. Golden toads are known to live in a small area of 4 kilometers in the mountains of Costa Rica. Scientist found hundreds of toads breeding in small pools during the rainy season. They soon became rare and in 1988 only 10 species of the toad was found. A year after only one was seen and the golden toad soon became extinct. They need water to breed; the toads are usually fighting over territory so they can get the chance to breed. Golden toads have many names; they are known to be called, Monteverde Golden Toad, Monte Verde Toad, Alajuela Toad, Orange Toad, and Sapo Dorado.
Female golden toads were larger the male toads, besides being a bright orange color, they were