Because of how many species there are in total in the world,“They are found in almost every habitat type– in woodlands, in swamps, in mountains, in fields, and along roadsides” (Petruzzello). Goldenrods hosts one of the leading floral patches in the world, from the Great Plains to the Atlantic Ocean. Beaches and damp prairies are home to the goldenrod flower. Blue Stem and Woodland Goldenrod stretch from Quebec to Texas (Petruzzello). Another eye-catching flower that grows in Illinois is the Black-Eyed Susan. Black-Eyed Susan’s are grown for their appearance of different blossoms of mustard-colored yellow and orange petals. The stem of a black-eyed Susan is 30 inches tall. In addition, the leaves of a black-eyed Susan, flowers with deep brown seeds, are tough, fuzzy, and large. Forests and prairies are home to these magnificent flowers that are native to North America. These flowers are native to the prairies and woodlands of North America. Black-Eyed Susan’s, flowers that bloom at the end of summer and beginning of fall, have a 1-year lifespan (annuals) or a short, consistent life