Having clean golf clubs is a matter overlooked by amateur golf players. They simply go out and try to hit the ball with the same dirty club face after each round. Beginning golf players do not realize that they are hindering the chance to get lower scores in their games.
Clean clubs can actually make a better contact with the ball. Clean grooves allow golf clubs to do its purpose without hindrance, which is to move dirt, water and grass out of the way during a shot. Clean clubs also produce a better flight with more backspin to generate …show more content…
Be careful not to make the water come up all the way to the ferrules.
The time to keep the golf club heads submerged in the water depends on the cleaning you have to make. Five minutes in sudsy water should be enough for normal wear and tear. Submerging club heads in the water for ten minutes might be necessary for particularly dirty clubs.
After the soaking time, remove the club heads and scrub them gently with a thick-bristle brush or a toothbrush. Start cleaning the face, then the back, followed by the top and bottom. A wire-bristle brush should never be used for cleaning because this can damage the club’s face and effect its performance.
For woods, do not submerge them in warm soapy water. Just wash off the club head with a damp towel as much as possibl. Then use a toothpick or a similar instrument to get inside the grooves on the face of the club.
After brushing your golf clubs, wash them thoroughly with cool water. In washing the clubs, remember to keep the ferrules dry. Then dry the club head with a soft dry towel. Inspect the entire golf club to make sure that the entire golf club is clean and