“Around 9.3 million of Syria’s 23 million inhabitants need help.”: UN Humanitarian chief Valerie Amos. Syria is in the middle of a crisis, and they need all the help they can get, because if they don’t, they’re government will continue to poison the air that the citizens breathe, they will keep on destroying cities and killing mass amounts of people. Syria needs more help from the UN and more funding for the destruction of the chemical weapons present in Syria.
Firstly, chemical warfare is not the only thing going on in Syria, there are mass amounts of people being slaughtered and raped every day, the only way we can stop this, is if we continue to fund the UN’s attempts to create peace in the country, and to support the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, only after we find and completely destroy all of the weapons in Syria, then we can really begin to help the people in need.
Secondly, this war has been going on for almost 3 years, and we’re only now trying to eradicate the weapons and save this country from itself. There needs to be more coverage of this war and of what’s really going on, people need to know what the governments are actually doing to help these people.
Lastly, we need to give the people living in Syria in the worst conditions possible, food, safe water to drink and shelter from the war going on outside, these people are starving to death and around 12000 citizens in Muadamiyat al-Sham are predicted