In this study there were 116 women who decided to attend a private gyncolgy clincs in selective places. All of the women went to the clincs to have routine examations done. The women at the clins had seaeral self-reported complaints of vaginainl itching, burning and malordorous discharge. The women completed a questionare based on theie current menstrual cycle and how often they are having vaginal infections. All the information on the women history were wriiten down a recored. A total of 121 samples were taken frome each women and 2 samples were taken 3 to 6 months a part from 5 of the women. In the results of this study that was done to see how many women could be affected by this bacteria 4 of the women were pregnant and 66 of the women are dealing with vaginal infections 11 of those women had rare infections. The rest of the women were possible having issues from the birth contral they were taking(Janulaitiene, Paliulyte, Grinceviciene, Zakareviciene, Vladisauskiene, Marcinkute Pleckaityte,2017). Each sample that was given by the women were gram-stained and put under the micrope.In most cases outside of this study samples are heat fix and then