Gray's Island, When The Creek Rises

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Pages: 21



You Can’t Get There When the Creek Rises



You Can’t Get There When the Creek Rises

Shirley Brock Turney

Copyright Page

2015 Shirley Brock Turney. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

Published by: Authorhouse

ISBN numbers

Library of Congress Control Number

Copyright 2015

Edited by: Beverely Houchins

Other info

Photos by: Richard Turney, Cotton Whitlow and Shirley Turney

Other books: Gray’s Island, Where the Creek Bends

For my
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It is a narrow valley that lies between two ridges beside the Chickamauga creek and the railroad. It was an Indian village until 1838 when the Indian Removal Act forced them to leave. Mr. Gray brought the railroad through and decided to settle there himself. It became a township in 1849 and began to boom when Mr. Gray brought in his businesses. Graysville always had a post office, general store and a school. Near the springs, there was also a stockade where civil war prisoners were held. The foundations can still be seen. The Church family was the first white settlers in Graysville. They were there when Mr. Gray came. They had several slaves, and some of them are buried in the Graysville Cemetery. The two brothers, Frank and Mark Church, were stonemasons. They built the gristmill and other buildings for Mr. Gray. The Church brothers were the best stonemasons, and no one could cut or set a stone like them. They certainly did a good job on the old gristmill. They could have never imagined what a beautiful home it would …show more content…
People with metal detectors have found mini balls, belt buckles and other items all around Graysville. A little more than one hundred and fifty years ago, our country came face-to-face with an issue of equality and liberty for all citizens. It was the beginning of the Civil War. In my opinion, it was the worst thing that has ever happened in our country. It was a needless waste of life, and I still do not understand why problems could not have been solved without going to war. Blood was shed by American soldiers all over the North and South. It was brother against brother and father against son causing many families members to be split apart. Some fought for the North, and others fought for the South. It tore apart families, and reuniting after the war did not come easily. This happened to my great-great-grandpa Campbell. His family could not accept his fighting for the North, so after the war he left and moved to Colorado. Peace finally came after four long years of dreadful war. However, there was not much peace in the hearts of most American people, especially the ones living in the war-torn states. They were filled with hatred for all their losses and what they had endured during those terrible