Greek Ranch Analysis

Words: 737
Pages: 3

Paper Four – Analyzing Effects

On April 3rd, 2008 Texas law enforcement entered the isolated polygamous community of Yearning For Zion Ranch (YFZ) that harbored 'pregnant child brides' and a secret task force named the “God Squad” '(ABC News). The YFZ Ranch was a small community that was dictated by the leaders of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(FLDS). Law enforcement officials were issued a warrant to raid the compound upon receiving a particularly disturbing phone call from a sixteen-year-old adolescent claiming to have been physically and sexually abused by an older man, to whom she was a 'spiritual wife' (Deseret News). Affects of the April 2008 raid of YFZ Ranch include the temporary state custody
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Jeffs inherited his title from his father, Rulon, after his death in 20002. It was said that Rulon had an estimated fifty wives, and Jeffs took it upon himself to marry a few of them after his father died. Polygamy was common place in Jeff's family and had been for generations. Despite the main Mormon Church abandoning this belief in the 1890s (Biography 1). Once Jeffs gained leadership of the FLDS church, he excommunicated twenty one male members, to gain respect from his followers. That's when the legal issues for Jeffs began. As his nephew, Brent Jeffs, brought charges of sexual assault against him after being excommunicated. For the next few years, Jeffs stayed on the road and in hideouts to avoid being arrested and convicted of the despicable sexual crimes that were being brought against him. These crimes included two counts of rape as an accomplice and one count of conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor. Jeffs was such an outstanding fugitive that he earned a spot on the notorious FBI's Most Wanted list in 2006 (Biography 1). Jeffs fugitive run came to an end in August 2006 when he was captured in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was later convicted of being an accessory to rape, but it was overturned. However, Jeff's made his way back into the legal system after the 2008 raid of YFZ ranch. The 2008 raid provided a 'treasure trove' of evidence against Jeffs and other male members of the FLDS church (Biography 1). Jeffs did not hire an attorney for the trail and was sentenced to Life in Prison after being convicted of sexual crimes. But, even as of now, Jeffs still dictates the FDLS church from