Besides health talks, our team also helped two co-work organizations carried out health assessment. During the health assessment, we did height, weight and waist circumference measures and quick review on the present status by calculating the BMI and the waist circumference. Since the health assessment was performed in a flowing manner, so that, we designed a form for group-mate, who were responsible for certain station to jot down the measurement. Furthermore, we also kept …show more content…
However, we thought the idea can be simply conveyed to the participants during cooking. Thus, we suggested elderly dieting for the presentation, as we knew that the participants are volunteers, who visit the elderly lives in the district frequently, they also live with their aged relatives that develop their knowledge in elderly health conditions and suitable diet choose may enhance the health of the community, which is our work to be a community nutritionist
When I contact the program co-worker at the first time, I introduce myself, state clearly the aim of the contact and ask the co-work for a time to discuss the program detail. If time is available, I usually ask the questions that I prepared clearly and jot down the information, report to my group-mates afterward. Also, I left my contact number to the co-worker for later