The Southside neighborhood is laid out in a grid pattern around the Southside Park. However, most of the roads are curved and divide the neighborhood into small chunks. (Low, 2007) This design was created to slow traffic flow. (Low, 2007) …show more content…
Local architecture is present in the neighborhood’s large homes which are renovated 19th century mansions. (Low, 2007) Aside from the historic homes, new architecture incorporates elements of local architecture such as large front porches and red brick. However, many of the new buildings resemble architecture from Charleston and New Orleans rather than Greensboro. (Wikipedia contributors, 2015)
Mass transportation consists of a single bus stop located in the center of the neighborhood. The Southside neighborhood is ¼ mile from the AMTRAK station. (Low, 2007) However, the neighborhood lacks bike lanes.
The Southside neighborhood does have sidewalks and several designated cross walks. The neighborhood is extremely walkable.
On street parking is present from businesses, townhomes and some apartments. Apartment complexes have their own parking lots. Houses have either parking in front of the house or driveways and garages accessible via narrow