Grief Counselor Critique

Words: 1305
Pages: 6

The Unique Role of the Grief Counselor and self-care
As the airplane was rising to an elevation of 30,000 feet, suddenly experiencing an encounter with the wind turbulence, the oxygen masks automatically drop from the roof of the plane, directly in front of each passenger. At once, all flight attendances’ spring into action, barking out instructions to secure the seatbelt and securing the air mask. Nevertheless, the lead attendance was so caught up in helping others until she forgot to dawn her own mask, to latter sub cum to unconsciousness. Therefore, in the panic, she forgot one important moral of her thirty-year career, you must help yourself before you can serve others.
So, as discussed in our textbooks, “grief counseling differs from other types of counseling .” (pg 222). Thus, grief
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Skivholt, “there are many counselors’ who find themselves drained and overwhelm. For some, “the first years of counseling are the most difficult, And, for others, being a seasoned counselor is more challenging. Furthermore, Skivholt added that ” at times, these counselors’ express the same symptoms that their clients have. Such as depression, anxiousness, frustration, and feelings of helplessness, with the end results of giving up their jobs, While others who stay on the job, show a clear sign of wear and tear”. Again, the end results, reveals that their sessions with clients’ become less and less fruitful as they become less engaged with the clients’ and put less and less energy and effort into each case. ( Skivholt).
So, it is essential, that counselors make every effort to keep themselves emotionally healthy. In that way, a counselor can be present and effective for their clients. So, it is encouraging, that “counselors join counselors associations and support groups. The reason, counselors will be spending time with other counselors, which is a great way to share the ups and downs of the work with others who are going experiencing the same