Group Presentation Analysis

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Pages: 4

In this class we have been required to present many presentations on a variety of information. With all of these presentations I have noticed what I excel in with presentations and what I lack in. What I lack in while I present is maintaining eye contact with the audience. This was very present with the last group presentation where I didn't know how to pronounce russian names and it made me nervous and I looked everywhere but my audience. Another thing that I lack in with my presentation skills is my ability to speak super loud and clear. I get in this habit where i speak loud enough where it might not be super clear and some people might not understand what im am saying. I Lack as a audience member also, i tend to play on my phone or zone …show more content…
One thing that I feel I do amazingly when me and my group put the powerpoints together and I know what i'm saying and talking about which creates confidence while I present. Secondly, My skills with presenting came along way since freshman year. I used to be terrified of speaking in front of my peers and since i took a theater class. Ever since that I have been super confident when I presentate. A good example would be the book report I did over the book Alien 3. I presented that flawlessly i didn't need to look at the slides with it because I was confident that everything i needed was in my head. My strength as a audience member was that I listen to what my peers present and I will take away what they did and incorporated in my next presentation. Over all i have much to go to become an amazing presenter in the future. i have some good skills however I need more practice to ensure that i can confidently present without having a ounce of doubt in my …show more content…
Thus i have had the ability to reflect on my writings and I have some strengths and some weaknesses. To start some of my weaknesses is my ability my ability to research and find reliable information. While doing my Modern Hero paper i had to research on my hero and i had trouble finding information that was able to be cross check the information for truancy. Another weakness in my writing skills is in my ability to cite my information correctly. I had to have someone to double check my works cited to make sure i had correctly done it. In my paper modern hero paper I had received a 0 on it for poor citation. Where there is bad skills there are good skills and i believe i have more good skills in my writing skills. One of my skills in writing is my ability to have create a very well written paper all around as seen in my modern hero paper. I have had many opportunities over my highschool career to better my writing and thus i have grown as a writer to know how long and what to say in my papers. In conclusion, my writing skills are always improving and i will be working on papers and improving on my weak points in my