Role #1
Unfortunately due to our mistakes, our children will not have some opportunities that they could've been granted with in a different situation.
However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to raise my kids as best as I can with the limited resources I have. Sadly, I will be working more than one job to provide for the family, as my girlfriend will be finding a job and taking care of the toddlers
As they grow older, my expectations for the kids would be as high as I could manage to do without coming off hypocritical, because obviously I haven't set quite a great example, but my kids can learn from my mistakes.
I'd make sure they do their homework, respect their elders, and take every opportunity to gain knowledge. I would certainly expect them to practice safe sex because their parents didn't and it set their kids up for a hard childhood. They also would be expected to find their own source of income for things they wanted to do that didn't fit our budget.
My rules would be rather strict because I know how teenagers are, being one myself less than 5 years before. Due to our poor financial conditions, I wouldn't be able to allow my kids to get into a situation that would
possibly get them in trouble with the law or school or any other authority.
This means I would make the time to meet all their friends parents and keep them on a shorter leash than I would if we weren't on a shoestring budget. If the rules were not obeyed, they could expect a punishment varying from restriction from social media and friends to something as drastic as being completely grounded.
Education would have to be public school as there would not be enough money to provide a better education. I would certainly research the local schools and find the one with the best opportunities for athletics and academics. Assuming my kids were athletic, I would like them to play at least two sports, but not expect them to. There would be absolutely no skipping class, because then they would be put in the same situation I forced myself into merely a decade before.
As much as I would like to, I will not be able to take my kids on extravagant vacations, or buy them everything they want, at least not until my girlfriend and I receive better wages or jobs. On the bright side, this would teach the kids the importance in saving money and paying bills as soon as you can.
Even with our financial and situational difficulties, I'm positive that this experience would give the kids a more realistic view on how they should act, because they can use their parents as how they should NOT act.
Role #2:
Well, considering I'm in my early 20s and I already have two kids, you could assume college was a little bit crazy for my girlfriend and I.
Amazingly somehow, my significant other was able to balance her class work and prepare for her pregnancy, while all I really had to do is continue to get good grades, and work a job in the night to prepare for the babies. The due date was a month after graduation, so we had those few weeks to truly get ready for these two blessings. Last night, the twins were born, and my girlfriend and I really want to make sure that they have the best possible life, so I'm here right now to plan it all out.
The first five years or so are always extremely hard for the parents because their child(s) can't really think and act on their own. Fortunately, that means you really don't need to enforce any expectations or rules on them until after that age. On the other hand, after 5 your child(s) begin to
think on their own. This means you have to make sure they know, understand, and obey your wishes and