Gun Control Research Paper

Words: 1449
Pages: 6

Gun Control in Different View Points
Gun control is one of the most important and most argued topic in politics today. Guns are used to protect your home, for sport, self defence and also in combat situations. Though many people take advantage of a citizen’s right to own a gun, gun control is one of the most argued issue in politics because of situations like the Sandy Hook and Columbine shootings. There are different views on how gun control should be held, both liberal and conservative. There shouldn’t be restrictions on guns such as limited amounts of ammunition or the amount or types of guns someone might have. Being able to own a gun is a right every American has. Restricting the amount of guns someone has is a violation of an American
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It gives a person a limit on how often or how much they would use their gun. A gun is useless without having ammunition to use it with. With someone who would use a gun for sport or hunting they would need a large supply of ammunition to be able to do this. If someone were to own a gun to protect their home and family they would need a decent amount of ammunition to carry this out. The second amendment states that “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Part of keeping and bearing arms is being able to use those arms, and banning ammunition is keeping people from using them. Though many people take advantage of their right by using guns in a criminal way, one way we can prevent this is by performing background checks on the person …show more content…
Hunting is something humans have done for millions of years. Hunting is necessary in some parts of the country to keep the population of deer, rabbit, squirrel, and coyote from getting out of hand. Controlling the population of these animals down will reduce car accidents and keep balance in nature. Using guns is necessary to do this because it is a quick fast way of killing the animals without making sure it doesn’t suffer. Statistics show that 58 percent of reason why someone owns a gun is for hunting (Tucker). Using guns is a quick humane way of making sure an animal doesn’t suffer or die a slow death. Target shooting or practice shooting is also a big part of that, because if you don’t hit the animal in the right spot they might be in