Gunpowder Empires Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Sarah Itzhaki Mrs. Kessler Ancient World History Mar 29, 2024 Narrative Essay Gunpowder Empires Dear Shah Abbas, I am a student at Valley Torah High School and am learning about the gunpowder empires in World History class. Your impact on the Safavid empire interested me in many different ways. For example, the way you had success in dominating over the empire is similar to Shah Tahmasp. But, you did falter in some areas, such as incorrect decisions regarding raising your children and removing control from the wrong people. But don’t be discouraged, Emperor Babur and Shah Thamasp made fairly similar mistakes. I feel that discussing these matters will truly determine whether you are truly deserving of the title of one of the greatest Safavid leaders in history. …show more content…
Being one of the first to get your hands on these war tools, you immediately took advantage of this and removed the Qizilbash with ease. The Qizilbash were Turkmen supporters in the Safavid empire who had a strong impact on the government that reduced the Safavid ruler’s power. They still practiced cavalry warfare, which was evidently inferior to your firearms. After being converted to Shi’a Islam, the golam soldiers proved even more reliable in wiping out the government threat imposed by the Qizilbash. These golam soldiers also made social mobility more acceptable, similar to Tahmasp’s time. This allowed non- Persians to become government leaders. This is because these soldiers were outsiders which were usually looked down upon but now these people were fully involved in government and military for the empire (Frey, 148-152). Similarly, Tahmasp employed golam soldiers and removed Qizilbash as well in an attempt to consolidate his power. This strategy worked very well for both of you. These decisions make it possible for you to further expand the empire and establish your