Guns: Firearm and Introduction Gun Violence Essay

Submitted By Ashanti-Holyfield
Words: 3191
Pages: 13

Gun Violence
By: Luke Moring

English 4

Table of Contents
Research Questions…………………………………........................3
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………..3
Gun Control Laws that Currently Exist………………………………4 - 5
Gun Violence in the United States…………………………………….5 Statistics………………………………………………………………6
Homicides and Suicides by Guns……………………………………….7
U.S. gun violence compared to other countries…………………..7 - 8
Uncontrolled Guns……………..…………………………………………….8 – 9
Massive Shootings……………………………………………………………9 – 10
List of Massive Shootings ……………………………………….10, 11 -12
What can be done to reduce gun violence…………………………..12 – 13

Introduction Gun violence literally means the use of a firearm to threaten or inflict violence or harm (, 2013). Back in the older day’s people just used gun for protection. But now gun violence has become of the biggest issues in American and also other countries. With this it means massive shootings, homicides, and even suicides. But the government is trying to stop this dead in its tracks but now it seems like it’s just getting worse. Now day’s people are taking things to the extreme and they are using gun to do this.
Research Questions
Why is there so much gun violence? What’s the point of gun laws now days? Will making it stricter to get guns help? Why are there so many unregistered guns out? Is the gun violence different in U.S. than other countries? Will the law ever reduce the gun violence? But the last question and serious question is why are there so many massive shootings in the U.S. today?
Statement of the Problem
The problem with guns all over the world today is that they lead to suicide, homicide, robbery and very bad massive shootings. This epidemic has reached the suburbs and rural America. Lately in the U.S. it has hit schools, movie theatres and even college campuses (http://www.essaysprofessorscom/samples/Research/Gun-Violence.html., 2013). The problem with this is that we need to find a solution some kind of process or Act to keep this down.
Gun Control Laws that Currently Exist
There are two federal laws that regulate firearm ownership and sales. The first one is the National Firearms Act of 1934, it restricts from owning automatic weapons, short-barreled shotguns, hand grenades and other powerful arms. The second on is the Gun Control Act of 1968, this act focuses on commerce. It stops the mail orders sales of weapons, and requires anyone in the business of selling guns to be federally license and makes them keep permanent sales records. Another part to this act is that it prohibits the selling of a gun to those with a prior criminal record, minors, individuals with mental health problems and some more people. Also the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 requires licensed gun dealers to perform background checks. But did you know that background checks aren’t required for private gun sales? But even though it’s not, it’s still a crime to knowingly sell a gun to someone with a criminal record. From 1994 to 2004, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban stopped the sale and manufacture of semi-automatic weapons with various military features. But this law expired in 2004 due to the built- in “sunset clause”. These federal laws just set minimum standards. It’s up to the states to do what they need to and pass any laws to keep the gun control down also (Stray, 2013). Another very important one is The Second Amendment to the Constitution concerns the right to bear arms; this is always a hot issue. Twice in the past two years the gun issue has reached the nation’s highest court. In the Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller the court ruled that the Constitution protects an individual’s right to own a gun for personal case. But a twist to this Amendment is that it causes everyone to get rowdy about it is that it don’t specify what kind of gun laws