H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer, Holmes had a three-story building constructed, with the funds from the pharmacy creating, and demanded elaborate modifications to it's design. He never truly paid for the construction either, consistently firing men after jobs were half done because he did not want to pay for the labor. The higher floors were where he slept, but the thirty-five small rooms were the place where he tortured and killed his victims. Additionally, before the building was constructed Holmes had an airtight vault put in and was the crime scene of various murders. Not only is this a monstrous act, but the psychotic scheming and the disposal of his victims was very well thought out. He connived each and everyone of his victims, not considering the victims families, as a true sociopath would. Furthermore, to make matters worse, some rooms contained gas jets to asphyxiate his victims, and others contained trapdoors and chutes making it more convenient to move the bodies to where he could dispose of them. At this point Holmes seems to be killing for sport and for entertainment, which is also a sociopathic and monstrous