Therefore the chances of passing the NCLEX-RN Exam don’t look very promising after they have failed the practice test couple of times before. There should be a way to make sure that these students are better prepared and provided with the resources needed before having to immerse themselves in this intensive exam. I also believe that the school went about it the wrong way by denying graduation to students if they didn’t pass the HESI Exit exams. It doesn’t seem like this was done for the benefit of the student but the benefit of the school. It is common knowledge that a student passing the NCLEX-RN Exam has a positive reflection on the school’s image. The school is looking out for itself and its reputation. Even though, the article stated that students who pass the HESI the first time are more likely to pass the NCLEX-RX exam, I don’t think that is so. I don’t believe that failing the HESI Exit exams one or two times mean that they will fail the NCLEX exam. I think that if one fails the practice exam the first or second time, they can study harder or seek addition educational resources to do better the next time