Habyariman Genocide In Rwanda

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Pages: 5

He was welcomed by the Tutsi population because he promised to unite the country, indeed under his rule violence against the Tutsi ceased, and peace and stability arrived in Rwanda. However, the Tutsis started to become marginalized under his rule, while the Hutu’s were guaranteed peace and stability. For 17 years he was able to maintain a stable country without any violence between the Hutu and Tutsi people. It wasn’t until 1973 when Rwanda was hit with an economic crisis, people began questioning Habyarimana's rule. The Tutsi minority wanted change within their government. Habyarimana was no longer answering their needs and they believed that their interests were being squandered. With the use of new democratic institutions such as the …show more content…
To this day, these attackers have not been identified. The most widely believed theory is that the Hutu extremists shot down the airplane to prevent the Arusha Accords from being implemented and to use Habyarimana’s assassination as a pretext to start their planned genocide. After the president was killed, a situation of anarchy emerged not only between the different ethnic groups, but also within the individual ethnic groups. In specific, the Hutus began to turn on one another, resulting in political and social anarchy within the ethnic group. Rwanda was in a state of anarchy. In the multi ethnic state of Rwanda, effective central authority had collapsed. In this situation groups try to protect their own people. They try to homogenize their territory in order to fend off any future threat by the other ethnic groups. Rwanda had to be ethnically cleansed in the eyes of the extremist Hutus in order to fend off any future Tutsi threat. In order to protect their people, leaders will choose to ethnically cleanse their territory in order to fend off any future threat for their people. In the case of Rwanda this resulted in the killing of 800,000 Tutsi. They were slaughtered when the Hutu movement had the opportunity to kill them. This movement had to make haste in the face of the RPF’s advantage in the country. In Rwanda there was a collapse of central authority in a multi ethnic state. Rwanda was a state inhabited by Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. After the death of Habyarimana a situation of anarchy broke out. The interim government never succeeded to become the effectual authority in the state. This was caused by many factors amongst them were the status of the interim government as a puppet of the extremists. Another factor was the non-recognition of the interim government by the RPF as a genuine independent government. The RPF saw the interim government as a puppet of the extremists. And the final factor