Half The Sky Movement Research Paper

Words: 669
Pages: 3

Regardless of whether you chose to celebrate a holiday or not, you will notice that people feel more giving. For example, I donate 10,000% more canned goods to the local shelter than I do throughout the year - which always irks my mother as she reminds me “the homeless are hungry in June too, Shannon.”

This holiday season reminds me of the United State’s economic dominance and American’s obsession with material goods. This is a chronic condition that is agitated on December 21st, when I am searching for a parking spot at my local mall. Reading “Half the Sky Movement,” today reminded me of this.

Just to give you some background: “Half the Sky Movement” is based off of the best-selling book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. The movement is focused on ending female oppression worldwide, which they facilitate through educational and empowering transmedia.
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Putting money in the hands of women can positively affect not only their lives but their family. On average, women still suffer more from poverty from men. Unfortunately, this makes sense: even if women are able to obtain the same employment level as men, women must take time off for maternal care and are normally tasked with raising their children. It’s significant to note that women, especially in developing countries, do not have equal access to employment opportunities or education. These countries tend to have more labor-intensive jobs (agriculture and farming). This means that women must recover from one of the most taxing experiences on the body - growing and birthing a child- then, they must dedicate time to ensure the child’s well-being; to nursing and