It was a dark and stormy night. It was also october 28 halloween. There were 3 little boys walking dore to dore on Atchison street. Until there a bush rustled next to an old creepy house. The boys noticed the rustling and went to check it out and before they could a zombie jumped out of the bushes. Then they started backing up until they realized that it was just a boy dressed like a zombie he was tall and thin and really pale then we figured out it was just our friend john he was really weird and had blond hair he was always tapping but I guess that was because he was a drummer so then we asked him to trick or treat with us so we started walking and talking and we went to brookdale they have the best candy in town. so …show more content…
my friends john and derek were still knocked out deric had long brown hair and was short and was wearing a frankenstein costume for halloween. so then I woke them up then I realized we were in a hallway or something it was weird. so we got up and went down the hall yelling for help from someone. I did not care who. I went a little farther down the hall and we came to a big area with giant walls. then I heard a voice booming over some speakers that were in the four corners. the voice said hello welcome to my labyrinth the only way out is through the maze at the end there will be a door that leads to freedom there are also traps all over my labyrinth. then john said you're mad you old buffoon then the voice said I may be but you should be nice to your host remember the traps I can control some of them. that is all I will say for now toodles. then I said I'll just climb over the wall and look for the way out of the maze. so I started to climb over the wall when spikes came out of the top and my hand got stabbed. I fell of the wall and on my butt then I got up and looked at my hand it hurt. it was bleeding a lot so I ripped off a piece of my shirt and wrapped my hand up.then we kept walking looking for a way out john took the lead but that