Hamlet: Extraterrestrial Life and General Overview Essay

Submitted By GMNriggs19
Words: 1307
Pages: 6

Junior Research Paper Outline Planning Sheet I. Introduction: Background Information and General Overview of Issue:
The universe is a very intricate subject in which people do not know much about. Since the dawn of man people have looked up into the stars and asked questions. Today we have begun to try and solve these questions we have continually asked as humans. One of those questions is, “Are we the only ones out here?” Astronomers and scientists alike are researching in many ways to see if there are any extraterrestrial beings out there like us. Some people think that we are miracle and aliens could never exist because of the numerous conditions needed for life, this is also known as the “Rare Earth Theory”. Some people believe that we were created by god and put here for a specific reason. Although there are some people who don’t believe that there are intelligent extraterrestrial life in the universe, most scientists today believe that we are not the only ones here.

Cited startling/attention getting fact/quotation: “There definitely are aliens in outer space - they’re out there.” ( Huffington Post )

Thesis Statement Intelligent extraterrestrials must exist in the universe as there are countless earth-like planets and over 100 billion galaxies in the universe capable of supporting life.


1.) Earth-like planets and Exoplanets 2.) The amount of stars that have orbiting planets 3.) Size of universe 4.) New Technology Body Paragraph # 1
Subtopic: Earth-like Planets

Topic Sentence & General Overview of Subtopic (In Your Own Words) For there to be be intelligent life anywhere else in the universe, then it would probably be similar to Earth. Earth’s conditions, right now is our only basis for what life can survive and then eventually evolve and become intelligent life forms. Scientists are now realizing that places in our own solar system have common similarities to Earth, which would induce that other life forms have evolved into intelligent beings like us. Supporting Evidence (Paraphrases/Summaries~A,B,C, etc; Direct Quotes~#1, #2, etc)
You must include citations for ALL information
(*Paraphrase and Quote integration may be varied upon personal format) A. Kepler has been the most successful at finding exoplanets. (Than) 1. “Kepler has now identified 2,740 potential planets orbiting 2,036.” (Kaku) B. The number of exoplanets has been increasing and it has supported the idea there is a substantial amount of life in the universe. (Drake) 2. C. There is an estimated 1/1000 chance that there are planets suitable for life in our galaxy. (Ted-Ed) 3. “The discovery of these rocky planets in the habitable zone brings us a bit closer to a place like home. It is only a matter of time before we know if the galaxy is home to a multitude of planets like Earth, or if we are a rarity.” (Than) D. Europa, one of many moons of Jupiter holds things needed for survival like water and ice. (Allaby) 4.

THE 3 DIFFERENT SOURCES THAT I USED IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE: #1 Source 8 #2 Source 5 #3 Source 11 #4 Source 3 #5 Source 12 Body Paragraph # 2
Subtopic: Stars with Orbiting Planets

Topic Sentence & General Overview of Subtopic (In Your Own Words) For a planet to survive, then it needs a healthy star to provide it many things such as sunlight, a right gravitational pull, and many other things. The sun is our example of what a healthy star can provide to a habitable planet such as our Earth. In the universe there are countless number of stars, which would mean there are countless planets orbiting around them. Supporting Evidence (Paraphrases/Summaries~A,B,C, etc; Direct Quotes~#1, #2, etc)
You must include citations for ALL information
(*Paraphrase and Quote integration may be varied upon personal format)

A. We now