Hammerhead Research Paper

Words: 735
Pages: 3

Ariel Laker Mrs. Savela Public Speaking 2 April 2024.

It is often thought that weird cartoony animals are a thing of the past. Nevertheless, hammerhead sharks show us that evolution will never end. What seems illogical or even detrimental to an animal's survival can be the key to them thriving in a specific environment. The following discussion will include the general life of the hammerhead, the anatomy of the hammerhead, and the future of the hammerhead. The General Life of a Hammerhead How it all started Sharks have existed for about 450 million years, outliving almost all types of animals (Davis, Josh). Hammerheads date back only 23 million years and are thought to be the youngest shark group to have evolved so far. There are at least eight different species of
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They can be up to 6m (19.6 ft) and 450kg (992.08 lbs). They can also live 20 to 30 years on average. Communication Hammerheads are often seen in mass summer migrations seeking cooler water. A school of scalloped hammerheads may have 100 to 500 specimens; however, the majority of hammerheads in a school are female (Davis, Skip). For communication, hammerheads use body language to establish the social hierarchy and give orders for the schools to disperse. Examples of body language include head shakes, torso thrusts, and swimming in loops. The Anatomy of the Hammerhead Predatory Vision The visual field is the expanse of space visible to an organism without the movement of the eyes. Biological Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA. On average, the horizontal binocular FOV of humans is 200 degrees out of which 120 degrees is a binocular overlap (Kore). While comparing the FOVs of three hammerhead shark species to two other typical shark species, the horizontal visual views ranged from 308° to 340°, with the hammerheads on the upper end of the spectrum. When comparing the binocular field of view, hammerheads had a max of 48° in