Harriet Tubman Analysis

Words: 516
Pages: 3

In today’s reading the topic mostly talked about black/multicultural feminism. It was interesting to read about someone I already knew, Harriet Tubman. Finding out that she was an influence that led to the Combahee River Collective, a black feminist group located in Boston amazed me. Which stood for anti-racist activism and a blueprint for Black feminism.Also with Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth shared awareness of how their sexual identity combined with their racial identity to make their whole life situation and the focus of their political struggles uniqueness. I agree with the author when she wanted to capitalize Blacks for its the right thing to do. Also to address “African Americans” as Blacks because the term African Americans isn’t correct anymore for its the assumption of their from Africa. Black feminism …show more content…
Most Black men didn’t agree with this. In a black nationalist pamphlet it states that, “Equality of men and women is something that cannot happen even in the abstract world.” Black men were very negative to feminism and felt threatened by it. Wanting rights seems like such a simple necessity to ask for. It surprises me when people can't understand this. During the 1970s a separate black feminist group called National Black Feminist Organization or NBFO was created. It was a short lived organization from 1973-75. Many other Black Power groups were created in the 1960s and on. The branches of feminism are liberal, socialist, radical, and sometimes cultural feminism. For Multicultural Feminism, there is a 3 step approach: working with white dominated feminist groups, forming women's caucuses in existing mixed gender organizations, and developing autonomous Black, Latina, Native American, and Asian feminist organizations. People of Color began to take stands against white supremacy and there were developments of radical feminism to the creation of anti patriarchy