Harry The Dirty Dog Analysis

Words: 474
Pages: 2

I hope eveyone gets an opportunity to see the beautiful sunflowers on our bulletin board in our classroom. The children’s work inspired by van Gogh is a wonderful representation of our study of the artist. Using an artist as inspiration is a wonderful way for children to have some direction but allows them to use their own techinques and allows their persoanlity to shine through. This week we began our unit on pets. At our morning meeting we generated a list of animals that are pets. The children did a great job differentiating between pets and other animals. They were able to classify animals into different categories – pets, zoo animals, farm animals. Classifiying require children to organize items, or animals in this case, into groups …show more content…
With some soap and water the children were busy scrubbing our “dirty” pets with toothbrushes. Water play is one of the most relaxing activities children can experience. Water play also expands social skills as children play cooperatively; negotiate; and share equipment, space and materials. Washing small plastic animals with toothbrushes also encouraged the children to use their imagination. There was some great conversation amongst the children as they scrubbed those pets clean! On Wednesday we enjoyed having music with Mrs. Dempsey! All the children had an opportunity to play on a drum and try out different drum beats. Music is always full of song and movement. Don't forget - Saturday, April 23rd is a big day at Stanley. The Stanley Art show will be taking place during the day. Please bring the whole family to take a look at all the artwork created by the children of Stanley Nursery School. Each child will have two pieces of art displayed. Please join the Board of Directors of Stanley they celebrate the move to our new location that night. (Adults only) Stanley has always been a special place because of the families that share their children with