The normative range for the Ego Identity Scale is a score of 6.57-9.43. Hattie scored an astonishingly low score of three. It was in fact so low that I needed a second opinion just to ensure that the data was not invalid. A few of the statements on this questionnaire that really spoke to Hattie’s character and personality touched on being “emotionally distant from others,” doubts of one person’s abilities, a lack trust in society and others, and an evaluation of self worth. Hattie’s selections of these statements on the Ego Identity Scale indicated to me a strong lack of Ego Identity. This in turn made me curious of Hattie’s relationship styles. According to the Relationship Questionnaire, she circled Style C, which is a desire to be completely, emotionally open with others, but they often do not reciprocate. It is a need for close relationships, but the latter individual in the relationship not as valued as the other, thus leaving an intense insecurity. Style A and Style D were on the opposite ends of the spectrum and did not relate to Hattie at all, but Style B very closely related to her like Style C