The series of novels follows the adventures of the lead characters that are man and wife and part of the City Guard. Similar to the metropolitan police forces of many modern cities, the City Guard operates in a city that combines Industrial Revolution, Renaissance, and Medieval aspects. The series is set in Haven, a corrupt city-state where the only clean people are the City Guards.
Hawk & Fisher the first novel in the series opens to Isobel and Hawk Fisher, two City Guardsmen on their way to a slum. The powers that …show more content…
Introducing our battle hardened crime fighters Hawn and Fisher in what seems like a constant urban war, the novel is a classic of hard-core streets rules. Hawk dominates the streets with a broadsword while his wife Fisher works it with the skillful use of a deadly dagger. Set in the murderous and dark town of Haven, the novel’s is full of thieves, demons, and spell casters. It is a place where anyone with money can buy literally anything except for justice. With the quintessential elements of urban fantasy, the novel is sure to leave any thriller fan in …show more content…
Princess Julia and Prince Rupert had been the saviors of the Forest Kingdom one and a half decades ago. They had become the heroes of the kingdom but had decided to leave to become crime busters in the corruption and crime-ridden city of Haven. They have no desire to ever return or be reminded of their former lives but the Blue Moon tends to rise again and again to mock the saying. The Forest Kingdom is once again under threat and needs its heroes. Instead of Julia and Rupert, what they will get is the hardened team of Fisher and