Hawk Moth: Scene Analysis

Words: 165
Pages: 1

Anyway, the supervillain leaves the scene, and the scene transitions over to Hawk Moth who's sighing in frustration when he hears the supervillain enter the room as she says, "Another tough break huh Gabriel?" the supervillain asks smirking as she glances at Hawk Moth.

"I thought that I told you that I didn't need your help these people can produce negative emotions on their own you know?" Hawk Moth asks angrily as he glances at the supervillain.

"Yes I know, but your target wasn't producing any negative emotions so I just thought that I would give her a little push," the supervillain says chuckling darkly as she glances at Hawk Moth.

"Whatever just don't interfere again, I told you that I can get the miraculouses on my own," Hawk Moth