Third, online discussions that were developed created a community of support and healthy interaction (L. Nagel, et al., 2007). Fourth, the facilitator (professor) that was very interactive with his class became a great asset to the online class because he provided feedback and affirmations to the students through posted replies. Because of the interaction of the facilitator, students became more involved with the class.
Results from failures were also documented. One main point was the creation of the “read-only student”. This type of student would not actively participate. He would read the discussions/posts, but would not involve himself in the actual posting of questions or comments or giving very limited comments. Reasons for this type of behavior were procrastination, isolation, and/or unfamiliarity with technology (L. Nagel et...
Summery 4
The article states that student participation in an online class significantly relates to successful completion. The article strongly encourages students to participate fully in an online class. The goal was to find a model to predict online success, since “drop-out rates for online courses range from 20 to 50%” (Bernard, Brauer, Abrami, & Surkes, 2004). Based on the authors’ findings, students that not only logged on regularly, but also communicated effectively with their classmates or the facilitator, were the ones who successfully completed the class. Those students who did otherwise did not