Total possible points: 20
DUE: Upload to Moodle no later than 12:00pm (noon) on Wed. Dec. 3rd
Health Paper Assignment
Part 2: Current Programs/Policies and Look to the Future
Description of Assignment: As you have been learning throughout this course, the scope of public health as a discipline is broad and any one issue has many factors to be considered. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to research a public health issue in somewhat greater depth. Note this is Part 2 of the Health Paper Assignment, and it is a continuation of Part 1: Analyzing a Health Issue.
Your paper should be approximately 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, with 1” margins. NOTE: Your bibliography does not count as part of your 2-3 pages. In-text citations should be properly used and cited using APA formatting. Your paper should be coherently organized and easy to follow. There should be no spelling or grammatical errors and writing style should be clear, concise and formal.
For further guidance on APA format feel free to use the following website: Questions? Please direct all questions regarding this assignment to your TA or set up an appointment to visit during your TA’s office hours in McNamara Alumni Center, Suite 350-1. The TA is available to read over paper drafts during office hours or by appointment only. Papers WILL NOT be reviewed when sent through email.
Instructions: Use the following format and label your sections.
Section I. Solutions to the problem
Provide one specific example of a solution to the health problem for three of the five levels of the Social Ecological Model [SEM]: intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community, public policy. [Note: You should have a total of three specific programs or policies currently in place (or in progress) to address the health issue.]
For each program or policy, explain the following:
A brief explanation of the program (be sure to provide the name of the program!)
The SEM level it is influencing and how you know
Do you deem the program or policy as successful? Explain your reasoning and provide evidence to support your answer.
Section II. Look to the Future
Discuss: What are some gaps or missing pieces in addressing the health problem? (A few examples: missing data, lack of political support, insufficient research or funding, programmatic issues, lack of