Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Research Paper

Words: 554
Pages: 3

One reason why the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act should be removed is because schools lose a lot of money. Schools lose money because students are not buying lunch. Since the new program has been in effect, many students have stopped buying school lunches. Similar to this school district, many schools across the nation have been seeing a drop in the number of students buying lunch. Schools also lose money because they are not allowed to sell food from vending machines. The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act prohibits schools from selling food from vending machines since they are not healthy. Schools make a lot of money from vending machines. By banning vending machines, schools lose thousands of dollars. This new program not only causes schools to lose money, but it also impacts the funding of other school programs such as clubs and athletic activities. Lastly, providing healthier foods that students do not tend to eat also comes at …show more content…
The main purpose of this school nutrition act is to decrease childhood obesity rates. Even though students may be eating healthy lunches in school, they could still be eating unhealthy foods outside of school. Students only eat one meal in school. Eating one healthy meal will not make much of a difference in childhood obesity rates if students still eat unhealthily for their other meals outside of school. Many students also bring lunch from home. As a result, they still may be eating unhealthy foods. Many students do not even buy school lunches since they are not interested in the healthy options that are being provided. Due to this, students start bringing their own lunches which may not be healthy. The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is not effective because students will continue to eat unhealthy foods outside of school no matter what is provided for