Heaven Earth Grocery Store

Words: 1069
Pages: 5

88% of Black Americans believe that many people fail to recognize racial discrimination where it exists in America (Korhonen). Racial discrimination in certain settings is often dismissed and left unresolved. Most people think the best solution is for everyone to come together, but, it can be difficult because all issues must be recognized first. James McBride's "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store" portrays neglected townspeople from diverse backgrounds who, despite facing harsh racial stereotypes and discrimination, unite to fight for their rights, and overcome all of this to fight for one of their own. James McBride does a great job showing in depth the realistic points of view of society today by creating Doc, a character who is ignorant …show more content…
“The novel cycles between points of view, allow for Paper, Malachi, and many others to have their stories told (Selesnick).” Each chapter presents a unique perspective of a different character, offering insight into their thoughts and feelings. This allows the reader to deeply ponder the story from various angles. Many novels examine the relationship between Jews and African Americans, but few do so as expertly and elegantly as McBride’s (Selesnick). James McBride's novel provides a unique and insightful perspective on its diverse characters. James McBride then goes on to “create a robust picture of interracial relationships at a pivotal time in American history (Selesnick).” The book explores the friendship between two characters of different races, highlighting the challenges they face and the positive aspects of their relationship. Two major characters Nate, a black person, and Moshe, a Jewish person both grow a friendship throughout the book as they both have very different roles in society. Nate does any job he can find because there are not many opportunities he has while Moshe, along with his wife, are the owners of the Heaven and Earth Grocery Store. The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store is considered a safe place for black people, a place they can hang out and enjoy the company of others. Throughout history, racism and negative views towards certain races have caused a division in society. James McBride, through his work "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store", effectively portrays how the past can shape the future. Although the book is a work of historical fiction, it presents situations and roles that are not very different from contemporary society. While the book does depict instances of racism, it also serves as a reminder of the power of community. If, one day, society could come together and embrace our differences