Hedy Lamarr Controversy

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Pages: 2

Hedy Lamarr was a popular actress of the mid 20th century. She was in many popular movies, but not many know her for her incredible contributions to technology. She was a co-creator of a radio signaling device, also known as frequency hopping, that was used in the military. Even though Lamarr has accomplished these things, she has failed to get the recognition she deserves. Due to her impact on technology and pop culture, Hedy Lamarr should be commemorated on a postage stamp. Lamarr’s relevance as an important figure in technology makes her an excellent candidate for a postage stamp. Writer Dave Roos reports that, “While not a trained engineer or mathematician, Hedy Lamarr was an ingenious problem-solver. Most of her inventions were practical …show more content…
At first, it was designed to defeat the German Nazis, but the system later became an important step in the development of technology. Roos further notes that, “By the 1990s, frequency hopping was so ubiquitous that it became the technology standard required by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. That’s why Bluetooth, WiFi and other essential technologies are based.on an idea dreamed up by Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil.” As an inventor and actress, Hedy Lamarr represents the U.S. as well as her time period perfectly. Biography.com writes that, “She starred in such films as Tortilla Flat, Lady of the Tropics, Boom Town and Samson and Delilah, with the likes of Clark Gable and Spencer Tracey” (“Hedy Lamarr”). She was a very famous actress in the mid-20th century, but it was never her true passion. History.com states that, “After working 12- or 15-hour days at MGM Studios, Hedy would often skip the Hollywood parties or carousing with one of her many suitors and instead sit down at her “inventing table.” She not only benefited the US through her improvements in technology, but also by supporting us in the