Hemangiomas appear when a collection of abnormal blood vessels form a noncancerous growth. They form on the surface of the skin with the scalp, chest, back, and face being the most common places they appear. They can also be found on internal organs with the liver being the most common organ to be affected. Hemangiomas are generally present right from birth although at first they may not be very visible. Most of the time a hemangioma starts as a tiny, red bump or a light, pinkish bruise, which is why they are referred to as a strawberry mark.
2. Definition & Facts
A hemangioma is a very specific type of vascular birthmark. It usually starts as a flat, red mark and starts to grow quickly to form a spongy bump that sticks out …show more content…
They can also become large, reddish-purple growths that distort facial features. When the lesion breaks down, it can become infected and cause pain. In very rare cases, a hemangioma can cause internal bleeding and high output heart failure.
Hemangiomas inside the body can grow on the kidneys, colon, brain, and lungs. If they are internal, they often go unnoticed, until they grow large. At which point, a hemangioma can cause discomfort. Some symptoms include:
• Nausea and vomiting
• Abdominal discomfort
• Loss of appetite
• Unexplained weight loss
4. Causes
Scientist don’t know the exact reason blood vessels come together to form a mark, but they believe there may be a hereditary component involved. Research is ongoing to understand what triggers its formation. At present, scientist don’t believe there are activities, foods, or drugs that if taken during pregnancy, can trigger the development of a hemangioma. They mostly commonly appear in:
• Caucasian infants
• Premature infants
• Females
• Infants with low birth weight
• First born infants
However, there are always exceptions, and it is possible for a forth born, male baby delivered at full term to be diagnosed with hemangioma.
5. Diagnosis &