Henna paste is a natural way to temporarily dye the skin. As stated in an article, “This substance is extracted from a tree by …show more content…
Local teenagers that are looking for opportunities to gain community hours are the main source of volunteers. One of the goals of Hennas Helping Hand is to create an inter-personal experience that can also provide a way for teens and volunteers to develop listening skills, communication skills, and compassion. The volunteers gain experience with new people and learn how to initiate conversations, the patients have a relaxing experience and a chance to talk to someone willing to listen. Selecting a design can be a chance for artist and client to work together to create a meaningful, one of a kind design. The henna itself is a fragrant herbal creation which is applied in a process that is soothing and relaxing. “Henna oil is reported to be helpful in promoting mental balance and stability, reducing uncertainty, confusion, mental fatigue, aggression, anger, a lack of satisfaction and happiness in this life.” (Katy). The application process can be soothing because of the smell henna oil and the cool feeling of the paste on the